
Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone Replacement Therapy

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

More often than not, as we age we experience lower energy levels, irregular sleep patterns, stress, lower sex drive, and a number of different issues that were non-existent or at least less prevalent in the past. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is simply the adjustment of hormones that have decreased due to either aging, disease process, poor diet or medications. When these hormones become unbalanced in our bodies patients can experience symptoms such as anxiety, stress, weight gain, low energy, night sweats, irritability, brain fog, low libido, chronic fatigue, sexual dysfunction, insomnia, depression.

What is the Treatment?

In order to start HRT, our licensed medical staff will initially complete a full clinical assessment and draw appropriate lab panels.  As needed we will schedule follow up blood work looking for trends to better tailor your treatment. We provide both bio-identical, and in some cases synthetic hormones.

What can I expect while on HRT?

The benefits of HRT may include improved energy and focus, better sleep, improved sexual health, increased lean muscle and over all improvement of health. Many patients report they ‘feel younger.’
Having a good baseline of where your hormones are so that you can see trends in not only your hormone levels but also any risks of heart disease, kidney and liver issues, certain cancers or issues in your immune system. HRT is much more that balancing your hormone levels; it is believed to be a true anti-aging process.
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