
Vein Treatment

Vein Treatment
Vein Treatment
Vein Treatment
Vein Treatment
Vein Treatment
Vein Treatment

What are Vein Treatments?

Lasers have become an essential tool for physicians to treat vascular lesions which are described as collections of vessels that become visible directly underneath the skin and can be found around the nose, cheeks, and mouth, on the neck and legs. Vascular lesions often become more visible as we age, and they can get in the way of revealing smooth legs or clear skin on your face. Javan is here to help you treat these small imperfections with our FDA approved, top-notch lasers that can make these imperfections disappear in 1-3 treatments. GentleMax Pro® has been used to remove hair, pigmented lesions, and hemangiomas (an abnormal buildup of blood vessels on the skin or internal organs). The GentleMax Pro® is also used to manage rosacea, improve the appearance of beard bumps, and correct facial veins, spider veins, and leg veins.

How does it work?

After a thorough consultation, our providers will customize the laser settings to selectively  target hemoglobin and blood pigments within blood vessels without damaging the surrounding tissue. GentleMax Pro® makes use of two lasers designed to work on patients on either side of the color spectrum, the Alexandrite laser for lighter skin, and the Yag laser for darker skin. The cooling dynamics of the GentleMax Pro® immediately cools the skin before and after the delivery of the laser to keep you comfortable during the entire procedure. The heat produced by the laser causes the blood within the veins to coagulate and the vein collapses. The procedure usually takes 15 to 30 minutes depending on the area being treated. Bruising is not uncommon after laser vein treatment and should be gone after a few weeks.

What results can I expect?

The Gentle Max Pro Laser Vein Treatment can help to reduce the appearance of redness, severity and size of both broken capillaries and leg veins. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the spider vein removal, multiple treatments are often suggested, but patients may be surprised at how effective the result of just one treatment can be. Keep in mind that the results of laser treatment for spider veins are not immediate. After the laser therapy, the vessels underneath the skin will gradually change from a dark blue to light red color, then eventually disappearing in two to six weeks
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