
Beauty Bytes

Summer Skincare 101

By Michelle Mernah, Master Aesthetician

Ahh, the sweet days of summer are here and we can finally look forward to enjoying all the “things’ summer brings! Whether that means you’ll be enjoying time at the pool or relaxing at the beach, we need to take our skincare into consideration.

As we all know, summer time for the DMV brings very hot and humid weather. Aside from cranking up the AC and dressing in lighter clothing, there are changes that also need to be made for our skincare to adjust to the outrageously hot and humid temps. It’s no surprise that we sweat more in the summer, even stepping out your front door can make you feel like you need to take another shower (thanks humidity!).

When we think of taking care of our skin in the summer months, we generally think of applying sunscreen. In addition to being more diligent about our sun protection and sunscreen application, introducing a chemical exfoliation into your daily skincare regimen will help prevent build up/congestion, which commonly happens due to our excess of sweating. Chemical forms of exfoliators include AHA’s (glycolic acid, lactic acid) and BHA (salicylic acid) and come in handy to help remove surface oil, which we experience more due to sweating. Depending on lifestyle and skin type, adding in a toner with AHA/BHA to your daily skincare routine can help your skin adjust in the hotter months.

It’s also key to maintain your skin’s health by getting a facial to focus on a deep clean, extractions, exfoliation and adding in hydration. So this is your sign to treat yourself (and your skin) to a facial at Javan, thanks to summer!

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